jobs action team
The role of the Jobs Action Team is to help fill jobs AND reduce poverty by facilitating win-win relationships between:
Job Seekers - the 9,000+ under/unemployed adults living in poverty in Lancaster County
Preparers - who support job readiness and training
Employers - the 7,000+ family-sustaining jobs employers are striving to fill
We emphasize using success stories of local businesses, educators, community organizations, and individuals as inspirational examples.
Much of the work of this Action Team is carried out through events and initiatives by ASSETS, the Lancaster Chamber, and the Lancaster County Community Foundation, with an emphasis on using successful practices of local businesses as examples. This Action Team provides guidance, support, and speakers/facilitators from businesses that are making a difference.
Chip Cargas Cargas Systems Co-Chair
Danene Sorace City of Lancaster Co-Chair
Tom Baldrige Lancaster Chamber
Sam Bressi Lancaster County Community Foundation
Jonathan Coleman ASSETS & Lancaster Works
Craig Dalen ASSETS & Lancaster Works
Dan Jurman Community Action Partnership
Jess King City of Lancaster
Anna Ramos Lancaster Chamber
Lisa Riggs Economic Development Company
Cathy Rychalsky Workforce Development Board
If you have suggestions, please email Chip Cargas at