Throughout the Commission and number of community meetings, it was made clear that many programs and organizations hamstring themselves by failing to centralize communication and messaging in their implementation.  In addition, many funders traditionally exclude communications efforts from their support.  This Action Team is comprised of professionals in public relations and communications fields, as well as communication professionals from public and nonprofit sectors.  The role of this team is to use innovative strategies and tools to communicate the work and progress of the Coalition and to effectively share the work being done throughout the County.  



Marcus Grimm Benchmark Construction

Adam Aurand School District of Lancaster

Allison Bucher Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Jenn Orantes ASSETS

Kristy Aurand Community Action Partnership

Brian Nguyen Community Action Partnership

Rachel Luehm Community Action Partnership

 Aaron Spangler Lancaster County Community Foundation

If you’d like to request any media related needs of the Communications Team, please complete the intake form here and one of our team members will reply within 1-2 business days